Upon reflection I laugh my a$$ off but at the moment I jumped out of my damn skin. Now whenever I tell this story without fail someone will say, "You are going to hell for that." I am going to hell for telling the truth. Last I checked truth telling is not one of the top 10. Therefore I have compiled a new list for those of you like me who are want-to-be comedians. For you innovative, light-hearted, jocular people who bring joy to your fellow man. This is how you stay out of hell.
- Thou shalt not laugh at the handicap, blind, mildly retarded, old people, or children, etc.
- Thou shalt not call stupid people such words as Sped (short for special ed), Corky, Helmet boy, Window-Licker, or Short-bus rider.
- Thou shalt not tell a person that proclaims they lost 20 pounds that if they were to look behind them that they would find them.
- Thou shalt never tell an ugly woman that she needs try her BEST not be late for an appointment at the "beauty" salon. Associated comments like, "that is like putting perfume on a pig" and "Jesus must be her beautician" are prohibited as well.
- Thou shalt not laugh at a woman in church who shouts and throws off her wig. Even if she has a nappy stocking cap on under it.
- Thou shalt never coin terms such as capdeehanded.
- Thou shalt never refer to a woman no matter how fine she is despite a house full of children as a MILF.
- Thou shalt never tell a child you could have been their daddy but yo momma aint have call waiting.
- Thou shalt never tell any child their daddy should have flushed them or their momma should have swallowed. No matter how useless their little monkey-asses are.
- Last but not least to ensure a residence in the land of milk and honey never under any circumstance ask your next door neighbor does he actually have to have sex with his fat, nasty, nosey, sandwich smugglin, gravy drinking, dog kissing on the mouth, ignorant wife.
After reading this list I am going to confessional, OH SH!T I'm baptist!