The Music WIR goes to . . . Paris Hilton it is almost an insult to give this music award to her because anyone that calls this music needs some serious medical attention. You be the judge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dao8uSsT4xc The bottom line is she cannot sing. She is however a Billionairess and we all know that money makes the world go 'round. So until she begins to fund my habits of sports cars, large televisions, and sports tickets. She is the non-singingest, online BJ filming, air head, but Paris (Ms. Hilton) if you are reading this and would like to adopt a Black Dude, I love you, you are such a humanitarian and you are the fiber by which the human race is held together. (I deserve a WIR for that line.)
The Hollywood WIR goes to . . . And this pains me because I am a true fan, Mel Gibson for his Anti-Semetic tirade after being pulled over for driving erratically. In his tirade he told the officer that he owned Malibu and would use all of his money to get his revenge. He also told the officer that he was going to F*** him. WHOA! And then blamed Jews for all of the wars of the world. Looks like he thought he was filming Lethal Weapon 5, Riggs goes Nazi. (Please send all letters to Iwasjustjoking@becool.com) It always amazes me that people who claim to be devout Christians have a very hard time adhering to some of its most simple doctrines. One of my favorites is 'Be ye angry and sin not.' Maybe the church he built in Malibu has not gotten to that line in the Bible yet. But what can we expect from a man that says his wife is going to hell for not sharing all of his religious beliefs. You are a winner Mel. I like you better when you played a drunk suicidal cop. Keep that in the movies Mel. For this act you have earn the Nick Nolte Life Time achievement award. For being an old, drunk, rich and assanine. Congratulations!

To all of my readers (all 4 of you) have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. If you do not celebrate Christmas enjoy your holidays and I still except your presents. Be safe and celebrate them with family. God Bless you all.