Herein you will find my rants on sports, entertainment, my life, etc. There are no taboo subjects so this will be my open forum to say what I feel at that moment in time. Enjoy, laugh, cry, comment and feel free to make suggestions on future posts. And Yes I did just say that.
Michael Jordan, greatest basketball player ever. Jay-Z best rapper alive. You gotta love this joint. Enjoy.
Black Snake Moan My man Samuel Leroy Jackson, Jr. Morehouse grad, and First Negro Jedi Master. (Hand me my lightsaber. Which one? The one that say Bad Motherfucker!) So I am watching The NBA All Star game. Getting ready for work and a Samuel L. Jackson movie preview starts I sit at the edge of the bed and... Wait did he just have a white woman on a chain? Oh naw that was my imagination I dun messed around and dozed off. Tivo rewind. Oh hell he DID have a white woman on a heavy chain? Yes he did have a white woman on a chain, and not willingly either. So I guess this aint a porno. Not just any white woman Christina Ricci. In the heart of the south and Justin Timberlake is in it. This cannot be good. I tell you one thing Black Snake Moan, that is a porn title, there is no doubt about it. Does anybody white know about this movie?I mean after all if a white woman goes missing the Today show goes on 24 hour alert, it becomes a federal holiday. And if a black dude kidnapped her ... nevermind. Y'all know I am going to see this joint the day it premieres. Anyway as this story develops I will keep you all informed. Sammy Sammy Sammy.
Quite possibly one of the funniest things I have seen on the web. Big shout to the Office (UK)