This bama need to stop smoking weed from transylvania. LOL What yall think?
Herein you will find my rants on sports, entertainment, my life, etc. There are no taboo subjects so this will be my open forum to say what I feel at that moment in time. Enjoy, laugh, cry, comment and feel free to make suggestions on future posts. And Yes I did just say that.
![]() | Barack Obama - 67 match You must be ambitious and idealistic, like Barack Obama. Obama is a liberal democrat who, unlike his rivals, opposed the Iraq war from the start. With only 3 years in the Senate, his inexperience worries some and sometimes reveals itself in the debates, but he also has the charisma and popular support that the others lack. |
![]() | Dennis Kucinich - 66 match Denis Kucinich, an Ohio congressman, is a far-left liberal democrat. He has the most extreme proposals for nearly every issue including creating a single-payer system of universal health care; an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq and replacing them with an international security force; and guaranteeing quality education with free pre-kindergarten and college. He even wants to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. Needless to say, Kucinich is a no-hope contender. |
![]() | Bill Richardson - 64 match You're looking for a moderate Democrat like Bill Richardson. Experienced in state, national, and international politics, Richardson has been a Congressman, an ambassador to the United Nations Security Council, and is now the governor of New Mexico. He is pro-choice, strongly favors rights for the LGBT population, advocates for affirmative action in government contracts, and even championed the idea that Congress should revoke the original authority it gave to go to war with Iraq. Richardson also supports the death penalty and gun ownership rights. |
Bottom line -- if I sleep with a woman I don't know or care about, SEX is NOT going to make me care. (I stopped doing that years ago) That kind of sex is like scratching an itch. Once a man scratches, he's through. He ain't sitting around thinking about that spot that itched or how good it felt scratching it. He's moving on with his life until that spot itches again and it don't matter which hand he scratches it with, just as long as he gets rid of the itch. Too many women PRETEND they can handle a sexual fling, but wind up getting caught up and wanting us to romance and wine and dine them and pretend we're having a "relationship" when it's NOTHING but a booty call. Come on, ladies, y'all know I'm telling the truth. Unfortunately, ladies, you are part of our problem. You sleep with us BEFORE you know us or what we're about. Having sex with a man does not automatically make that a "relationship". Many women will deny they think like this but I'm speaking from personal experience. Also, ladies know when their men are fooling around and still turn a blind eye by getting mad at the other woman. Now, what kind of sense does that make? Why should that woman make YOU (a total stranger) a priority in her life? IF HE DID NOT MARRY YOU HE IS STILL SINGLE. The "other woman" is not breaking up a "happy home". Many women marry men who were cheating BEFORE they walked down the aisle and then are SHOCKED that a fancy wedding dress or an expensive walk down the aisle didn't change who he was. Why should he change? YOU let him know it was acceptable by sticking around that long. Ladies, start living with your eyes OPEN. Most shady men give themselves away one way or another, usually before the first 30 days. Women have to stop "rewarding" unfaithful men by pretending it ain't happening. All of us Black Men (BM) do not cheat. I do not cheat on my lady so don't buy the hype. I know other BM who do not but many men WILL cheat if there are NO real penalties for it. Stop jumping into bed with brothers YOU DON'T KNOW. That means fewer opportunities for men to cheat. Women have to STOP being so afraid to ask the important questions that would reveal his TRUE lifestyle. Worry LESS about what kind of job he has and what kind of car he drives and encourage him to talk about his past, particularly his past with women. OPEN those ears and listen. Does he put down his ex-women and blame them for everything? And don't be so vain. You are NOT a better woman than his last. If he dogged her out, you will probably be NEXT. Observe him when you are with him. Do you have his home number? Work number? Have you seen where he lives? Where he works? Is he secretive? Did you ask if he's married or engaged? How does he treat other people? Listen to what he says, NOT what you want to hear. Stop INTERPRETING the meaning of what he says to fit your purposes. If he says, "I'm not lookin' for nothing right now" -- DON'T tell yourself, "Aw, he just scared of getting hurt. I can change his mind.." NO YOU CAN'T. He said exactly what he meant. BM don't have to lie when so many BW are already DEAF. If you can't answer BASIC questions about a man DON'T OPEN YOUR LEGS. I could kinda understand back in the days when sex wouldn't KILL people but now? There's no excuse and if a BW takes that huge risk of sleeping with a STRANGER then she better protect herself -- sexually AND emotionally. Show us to the door if we pressure you for sex too soon. Don't be afraid to be alone. After you give us sex you will probably be alone anyway, but now you feel like a fool. In other words, take your time and check us out. if we REALLY like you, we'll stick around. BUT if you decided to sleep with a man you hardly know, PROTECT yourself and keep your expectations to ZERO. We do not owe you a relationship or another date just because you had sex with us. That's not how it works, baby. I have TOO many female friends who give me horror stories that could have been avoided if they'd done their homework first OR moved SLOWER before giving up the panties. I try as a BM to give them the best advice I can but that won't mean a thing if BW continue to live in a dream world. You are TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for your own sexual behavior the same as I am. Blaming the man won't change a thing. BW have to look in the mirror and take SOME of the blame for what's wrong with BM/BW relationships. Let me end by saying....
- A MAN WILL NOT RESPECT A WOMAN WHO DOES NOT RESPECT HERSELF OR HER BODY to make me care. (I stopped doing that years ago)
BW are going to have to raise their standards if they expect BM to do it. "
I know you are used to laughing at this blog but I think more women need to read and understand this. Actually dudes tone made me laugh but hell I laugh at almost everything. I think it is funny how you hear (read) the truth so little that when you finally see it, it looks like a joke.
If you have followed this blog at all you know that I have an interesting perspective on life. Generally my rule is this if you can't laugh at it Phuck it. Let me explain, my Gas and Electric bill is going up 50%. Primarily because everyone my State's general assembly took one Economics class in college or continuing education and they forgot to consider the true repercussions of deregulation of a utility if there is only one player in the market. I personally find that comical. Yes I am pissed that I will have to pay out more to use less energy. And that if I lived alone I would just not use air and be in a tang top and boxers all summer. There's a bit of comedy in that as well. My wife without air condition would be homicidal, she does not do hot. I have heard her pray for a breeze on a hot summer's day and fearing an increase in the murder rate God always delivers a gust of wind just before the fuse is lit. God is good and his mercy is everlasting! LMAO!!!
Stuff I laugh at:
People without children who say they want twins. In this situation I generally say to them you don't get up before 2 am unless you fell down in the club at last call. Get the hell out of my face with that crap. No one wants twins, especially those of us that have them already. You do not sleep, you do not speak to anyone but yourself and Jesus, you rarely bathe because of fear of a slip and fall, and the operation of heavy machinery, automobiles, and wielding an egg beater becomes a societal hazard.
I laugh at people who refuse to be what they are, for instance, I work with a bunch of engineers, nerds generally, unpopular in high school, married the first woman that stood still long enough for them to lose their virginity, generally insecure and completely annoying. But because they have money now they want us to think they are and have always been cool. Chill out Sparky, you are only 5 years removed from wedgies, being in a locker, and making love to the Sear lingerie section. You know who you are. I will knock you the phuck out!
I find it comical how people continually show their ignorance. Take a look at this. http://urbanknowledge.blogspot.com/search/label/prejudice Now what I find funny in this blog despite the obvious insensitivity, ignorance, and trashiness of these mother-less sons of bitches is that they they reenact the past, as they see it. Git R Done, please move on people. But look at these fat ass middle age sandwich smuggling miracle whip on asprin eating people supposedly portraying slaves. Slaves did all the work! All of it built this country, please do your research. I guarantee none of them had as many necks and chins as these idiots. There are more chins in those picture than in a Bangkok whore house. Priceless.
I could go on for days. The latest thing I am laughing at are people who tell me/show me things and ask me if it is funny, generally if you have to ask it isn't. LMAO. Big shout to my brother Daneger! Peep his blog this is funny although I would never tell him that.
Michael Jordan, greatest basketball player ever. Jay-Z best rapper alive. You gotta love this joint. Enjoy.
Black Snake Moan My man Samuel Leroy Jackson, Jr. Morehouse grad, and First Negro Jedi Master. (Hand me my lightsaber. Which one? The one that say Bad Motherfucker!) So I am watching The NBA All Star game. Getting ready for work and a Samuel L. Jackson movie preview starts I sit at the edge of the bed and... Wait did he just have a white woman on a chain? Oh naw that was my imagination I dun messed around and dozed off. Tivo rewind. Oh hell he DID have a white woman on a heavy chain? Yes he did have a white woman on a chain, and not willingly either. So I guess this aint a porno. Not just any white woman Christina Ricci. In the heart of the south and Justin Timberlake is in it. This cannot be good. I tell you one thing Black Snake Moan, that is a porn title, there is no doubt about it. Does anybody white know about this movie?I mean after all if a white woman goes missing the Today show goes on 24 hour alert, it becomes a federal holiday. And if a black dude kidnapped her ... nevermind. Y'all know I am going to see this joint the day it premieres. Anyway as this story develops I will keep you all informed. Sammy Sammy Sammy.